Sunday 4th June 2023
We are absolutely delighted to be the chosen charity of this year’s Farnham Festival of Transport, organised by the wonderful Farnham Rotary Club! Taking place on Sunday 4th June, this event is a must see event for all motoring aficionados. The proceeds of this event will support Challengers and we are absolutely thrilled to be part of this day!
Whether you own a unique vehicle or would like to come and watch this show – we encourage everyone to get involved!

Enter your car

Every year, over 150 motor vehicles ranging from ancient veteran cars dating from the turn of the last century to vintage motorbikes, military vehicles and modern supercars gather in the Upper Hart Car Park, Farnham to enter into an amazing car show. This is a great opportunity to meet other car owners, and show off your cherished vehicle!
Hundreds of people come to see these beautiful machines and the best vehicle in every age category is awarded a prize.
This is not just a static show – to celebrate the end of the event the cars go on a tour around the town and out into the country, giving them a chance to show off their paces.
You can find out more and enter your car here for £10 – and on the day you will receive a free bacon roll!
Info for Drivers:
Location: Upper Hart Car Park, Farnham, GU9 7HD (above Waitrose).
Timings: Arrival between 8.45am-9.45am for a 10am start, with a 1pm finish.
Please ensure you are pre-registered and be patient as we check everyone in and direct you to a parking space. If you would like to park alongside your friends, please do make sure you arrive together.
Info for Spectators:
You can also join us as a spectator… this is an amazing opportunity for you to enjoy this wonderful show and parade, all for free! A great day out for all the family, there will be lots of stalls selling food, drink, and automobilia, as well as plenty of entertainment through the day – featuring the wonderful Rock Choir and other local groups!
If you wish to witness the Parade, the Route can be downloaded for viewing or printing here.