Written by Lucy Hill
In October of 2023, we had a brilliant time turning our community orange! Orange October is a fun-filled annual celebration; whether it’s at school, work or home, we encourage everyone to get involved with orange activities and challenges to raise money for Challengers and help us to break down the barriers of play for local disabled children and young people. We wanted to highlight a number of brilliant supporters who got stuck in during the month!

Some local schools and youth groups had a fantastic time fundraising and hosting their own Orange Days to raise money for Challengers!
A special shout out to Freemantles School who fundraised £349; St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School who fundraised £459, and Onslow Infant School who raised £180 on their Orange Day!
St Nicolas 9th Guildford Scout Group raised £110 for Challengers with their Orange Day activities! They sprinted through their orange and spoon races, ate the oranges afterwards and made elephants out of the peels. They also decorated pumpkin biscuits using orange icing and designed orange jack-o-lanterns!
Thank you!

For one week only we turned Parkrun ‘Orange’ with the amazing runners sporting something in our favourite colour, the bake sale raised awareness for our cause, as well as over £600 for Challengers!
The Olive Tree in Sutton Green hosted an amazing virtual Race Night in aid of Challengers raising over £1,600 during the month!
Hilly’s Tea Shop hosted an orange day at their cafe, raising a wonderful £146 from the support of their generous customers!

At Challengers, as part of our Orange October celebrations, today we hosted an Orange Day at Challengers, where staff gathered dressed in their best orange outfits to enjoy orange-themed food, drink and games! It was great to have fun with colleagues and celebrate everything that Challengers means to us.

See you next year, Orange October!