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The power of play

Your donation helps us to bring the joy of play to disabled children and young people at Challengers, giving them the same freedom to have fun and enjoy themselves as their non-disabled peers.

You can increase the value of your donations to us by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself! Simply fill out this Gift Aid form.


Play is a basic right, but too many disabled children miss out

We keep families together by providing vital respite from caring


We’re building a more inclusive society where everyone is welcome


Challengers is an amazing place where Fran can be herself and be with friends. It’s hard to explain why Challengers is so important to families that don’t need it, but it has been an absolute life line for us. On bad days I know our family gets a break, and I also have the reassurance that she’ll be in a safe environment with people who are kind and understand her needs.

Challengers has been such an incredible support for us. I’m not sure we could have done it without them.

Fran’s mum