Make your donations go further with Gift Aid!

Through the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, Challengers can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate. So if you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your donations to us by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself! Simply fill in your details below and tick the box to confirm your taxpayer status.
Am I eligible for Gift Aid?
To be eligible for Gift Aid you need to have paid or will pay the same amount of Income Tax or Capital Gains
Tax as charities will claim back on your Gift Aided donations in each tax year. Other taxes such as Council
Tax and VAT do not count for this purpose.
I don’t pay income tax – can I be eligible for Gift Aid?
Even if you think you are not a UK taxpayer, you are still eligible for Gift Aid if you pay tax in the following ways:
■ through a taxable investment or rental income
■ savings, a state pension or other pension plans
■ capital Gains Tax.
If you do, you are a taxpayer.
I have already completed a Gift Aid declaration for another charity. Do I need to complete another one?
You have to give a declaration for each charity you want Gift Aid to apply. However you only need to fill in one form for us and we can claim Gift Aid on however much you have previously donated in the last four years and any future donations.
Does it matter how often or how much I give?
You don’t have to give regularly or have donated a certain amount for us to claim Gift Aid on your donations. We can claim Gift Aid on how ever many donations you have made in the past four years.
Please note: Challengers can only claim Gift Aid if you provide your full first name, surname and home address.