Watch our YouTube video to learn more about Michelle’s story

Creating and delivering services designed to meet the individual needs of each child and young person is at the heart of everything we do at Challengers.  

And for young people like Michelle, whose complex disabilities and challenging behaviour have previously meant she was denied access to support, that experience can be life changing.

“Before Challengers, Michelle was having meltdowns that lasted hours, hurting herself and it was extremely difficult. A few hours felt like a whole day. And days were never ending.”

Martha, Michelle’s mum

Michelle with Hollie, 555 Deputy Leader

Martha, Michelle’s mum

What is the 555 Service?  

Our 555 Service offers urgent support to families of disabled young people aged 8 – 19 who are currently out of education. This may be due to awaiting a suitable school placement, because the young person has been excluded, or because their current school place cannot provide the appropriate support.  We offer a fun, safe space where our highly trained staff help young people build their confidence and prepare them for a successful return to school.  

The length of stay depends on the young person’s ability to reintegrate and how quickly the local authority can find a suitable school placement.  A young person accesses the service on average for six months, although some of the children have been waiting over two years for a school placement.

Each young person has the staffing levels appropriate to the need to support them and enable them to go out into the community. All our staff members are trained in behaviour management and managing complex health conditions.    

Michelle at Challengers

How you can support our appeal

Donate today and help us provide hours of essential play and support for disabled children and young people.

Set up a regular gift via Direct Debit. Regular gifts enable us to plan, and help you to budget by spreading the cost of your donation across the year.

Thank you for supporting Challengers. We simply cannot do this without you!