Through the month of July, ramsac raised money for Challengers using the theme of play!
What a great opportunity to boost morale in the office and bring staff together, all whilst supporting a local charity and worthy cause. ramsac have been long standing supporters of Challengers for nearly 10 years and we would like to say a huge orange thank you for continuously surprising us with their great ideas and generosity!

Starting their Games Month off strong with a lunchtime quiz (a well-loved fundraising favourite), with general knowledge, Star Wars and chocoholic facts, there was something for all to enjoy. Quiz’s are such simple yet effective ways to raise money, have fun and get your brain ticking! Another great mid-week treat was their snack tombola, not only is it quick to put together but also the perfect idea for an office treat.
Half way through the month, ramsac hosted a lunchtime charity fair outside their office welcoming other local companies in the business park to join them. With lots of different mini games set up; hook a duck, guess the catchphrase, darts competition, longest time hula hooping and trying to cut a foot worth of string by guessing. It was great to see everyone get in the spirit and have a bit of fun! We can’t forget all the rest of the activites they put on from paper plane competitions, table top sales, bake -off and even a company-wide game of hide and seek! Events like this all support team culture and also bring people from different parts of the business together.
ramsac have enjoyed a long relationship with Challengers and we love having them as our corporate charity. Having a link with a local charity has been really important to us over the years. Not only is it ‘the right thing to do’ it also brings with it huge benefit. It’s well documented that employees want to work for a company that has an impact on the community, and raising funds through fun activities brings teams together and creates an increased sense of community. Put simply, doing good in business, is good for business!
Dan May – Commercial Director
Challengers are a dynamic, forward thinking organisation that provide a really important service to support young disabled people and their families. They have always been keen to help us make our support of them, beneficial for our company too, and I can’t recommend highly enough, a business partnership with Challengers!
What a great representation of the type of workplace ramsac are and also the perfect way to fundraise for a charity that is all about play and fun. Everyone deserves to play no matter what stage of life you’re in. ramsac have had nothing but positive feedback from staff who thoroughly enjoyed the month of activities! Throughout the month of July they raised an incredible £890 and generously rounded it up to £2,000! Not only was Games Month a huge sucsess this July, ramsac have also been active fundraisers over the years. Taking part in a variety of fundraising activities from abseiling down Guildford cathedral, dress down days in the office and even hosting their own 24 hour Gaming marathon last year!
Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming, if a small group of you come together and plan small things throughout the month, it all adds up. If ramsac’s month of play has inspired your company, why not get in contact with for support!

Thank you again to the team at ramsac!