Halloween Walk 2024

26th October 2024

Start Time: 2pm – 3pm 

Registration Deadline: 28th September 2024

Address: London Dungeon

Why not risk a hair-raising hike around some of the City’s scary streets and historic haunts? Choose your distance, gather your bravest guys & ghouls to make up a team – or go it alone if you dare and meet up with other chilling challengers.
There are 3 distance options: A wicked 10K Walk, a horrific Half Marathon Hike, and a terrifying Full Marathon Trek. All start and finish at the Dungeon, deep in The Oval Cricket Ground.
Dress to distress, and the creepy dungeon keepers at The Oval start & finish will meet, greet & shock.
Once you escape there’s ghostly looped routes, with zombie rest stops, and if you manage to get back in one piece there’s a macabre medal, a glass of the Devil’s fizz, some horrific hot food & drink!

Register for Halloween Walk Challenge here!  

Race Entry:

Your race ticket includes all these wonderful perks:

  • Spooky Medal
  • Finisher’s Certificate
  • Hot food and drink at finish
  • FREE neck buff

Why #TeamOrange?

You will receive one-to-one fundraising and training advice 

You’ll get your very own personalised running vest 

Most importantly, you will be breaking down the barriers to play for all disabled children and young people in your community! 

If successful in securing a place, we ask our runners to raise a minimum of £240 excluding Gift Aid and pay a £40 registration fee. If you have any questions at all or feel that your fundraising target is not achievable, please contact Fundraising@disability-challengers.org or call 01483 230 060.

*Reg fees and fundraising targets vary by distance *