Challenging barriers

A place for everyone
Challengers is a place where everyone is welcome and celebrated for who they are.
Over 50% of the families who attend Challengers tell us that their disabled child has experienced exclusion from other settings*, but our non-exclusion policy means that we welcome every child and will always find a way to support their individual needs, even if they are multiple and complex.
The way we operate demonstrates that there is absolutely no reason why disabled children and young people should ever be excluded from having fun and playing an active part in society – we call this the Challengers Approach.
*Challengers Parent Carer Survey, 2023
Re-framing what ‘disability’ means
The term disability can mean different things to different people. At Challengers we subscribe to the Social Model of Disability, and hold the view that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference.
Barriers can be physical – like buildings not having accessible levels or toilets – or they can be caused by people’s attitudes, like assuming disabled people can’t do certain things. At Challengers we re-frame how disability is perceived, rejecting the limitations placed on disabled people and challenging the barriers to inclusion. In doing so we aim to lead by example and positively influence the way society views disability – fulfilling our charitable mission and vision.
Supporting families
Raising a disabled child is difficult, but not only that – it’s also expensive. That’s why we work hard to make sure that cost isn’t a barrier to the families who use Challengers.
A study by SCOPE* has shown that, on average, a family with a disabled child would have to pay £583 a month extra to have the same standard of living as a family with a non-disabled child. And for 1 in 5 of these families, these extra costs come to more than £1,000 a month.
Due to the high level of staff training and specialist equipment required, it costs Challengers approximately £180 to provide a day of play for just one child. We believe everyone should be able to access play, so we ask only parents to pay a small contribution towards the overall cost, and provide concessions where needed.
*Scope Report, Disability Price Tag 2019

The difference Challengers makes

James is so excited every time we tell him it’s time to go to Challengers, and as we drive towards the centre he physically claps and cheers with joy. He races in without looking back, and that tells me just how much he loves to be there. We are so grateful for the fun, care and attention he receives.
Challengers Mum
How you can help
Challengers supports over 750 families across the South East, many of whom cannot access other services due to their child’s complex needs. With your help, we can give the gift of play to more disabled children, and give their families the respite they desperately need.