We are absolutely delighted that new Mayor of Guildford, Councillor Dennis Booth, has chosen Challengers as his charity for the municipal year 2022-23. The Mayor, who officially took up his role at a Mayor Making ceremony in Guildford last week, said: “My chosen charity for the year will be Challengers, which provides exciting and inclusive play and leisure activities for disabled children and young people in Surrey and the Southeast. I look forward to dedicating my fundraising efforts this year to support the brilliant work that the charity does.” There will be a number of fundraising events hosted in partnership with the Mayoral Office throughout the year, all of which Challengers will benefit from. One event coming up this summer is a Ladies Afternoon Tea on 12th July, hosted by Mayoress Mary Booth – more details soon to come!
Carla Gill, Challengers’ Head of Fundraising and Communications, and Becky Cox, our Community and Events Manager, went along to the Mayor Making event, held at the Guildhall on Wednesday 11th May. Becky said:
“’It was brilliant to join Mayor Dennis Booth at the Mayor Making ceremony last week. We were so pleased to be part of this special day and talk to many people about our work at Challengers. We are very excited for the year ahead, working with the Mayoral Office to spread awareness of our cause and work together on fundraising events.”
Later in the week, Challengers CEO Gen Dearman and Parent Ambassador Alison Stenlake were delighted to attend the mayor’s traditional Civic Service at Holy Trinity Church, where they were invited to give speeches about the wonderful work we do here at Challengers and its impact on local families. A huge thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the mayor’s collection, helping us raise an amazing £818.29 (plus Gift Aid).