An update on Guildford Pre-school

After many years of providing an early years service from Guildford, it is with great sadness that we have taken the decision to close Challengers Guildford Pre-school at end of Summer Term 2024. 

We have tried our best to sustain the service, but this has been increasingly challenging in the current economic condition.  A combination of low levels of funding, rising costs, and the difficulty in recruiting qualified staff mean we have been using our charitable reserves to fund the deficit and we cannot continue without affecting the wider charity.

All avenues were explored but sadly no viable solution to save the Pre-school could be found. We recognise that the closure of our Guildford Pre-school will be difficult for all concerned, and our intention has been to give as much notice as possible so that staff and families affected can find alternative arrangements. 

We will sincerely miss our staff team and all of the wonderful children who attend.